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Eva Tomala Couture

Crafting Your Unique Story

With 35 years of sewing experience, Eva Tomala is the creative director, and wedding dress maker behind Eva Tomala Couture. Her journey into the world of dressmaking began with an interest, curiosity, and a love for the needle and thread.

Self-taught and passionate about creating beautiful wedding dresses, Eva developed her unique method of crafting custom wedding dresses through years of trial and error, guided by the lessons found in books, and by her own experiences. Her journey into dressmaking commenced at the age of 10 when she sewed her first school skirt. Since childhood, embroidery, knitting, and crochet have been her interests.

In Eva's family, their has been a tradition of crafting tailor-made wedding gowns. To her, each bridal gown she creates reflects her unwavering commitment to uniqueness. Eva Tomala believes that every client is equally significant, understanding that their most important day is their wedding day. Eva's expertise in bridal wear is widely appreciated.

Eva Tomala's commitment to creating unique tailor-made wedding dresses have made her a respected name in the industry. Her bridal gown designs are celebrated for their individuality, and she takes pride in every bridal gown she creates.

Inspired by the timeless designs of fashion icons like Christian Dior, Coco Chanel, and Yves Saint Laurent, Eva pays homage to their bridal gown designs and craftsmanship. To her, these designers are not just names; they are keepers of historical elegance and artistry.

Eva Tomala takes pride in the privilege of being entrusted to craft wedding dresses for brides across Australia from her studio in Melbourne. It's a responsibility she cherishes.